An Economic Circle Gains the Attention of Millions
James from the UK takes you on a journey to learn what the Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle is all about, the way it has focused the attention of 100 million people worldwide, and its inclusion in the 14thfive-year plan of China. Let’s take a closer look into the unfolding ‘Gold Rush’in Southwest China.
Hi, I'm James from the UK and I've lived in Chongqing for over 17 years. Now the national Two Sessions have started in Beijing, a major point of focus is going to be the developments of Chengdu and Chongqing in southwest China. In this video series, we're gonna show you what people look most about Chongqing, such as the culture, the food and tourism.
So please join me and come together on this journey of exploration. At the moment, the national two sessions are going in Beijing. This is an event that is attracting wide attention in both China and abroad. One a hot topic I would like to bring up is that's of the Chengdu-Chongqing economic circle. During the national two sessions,delegations and experts from Chongqing and Sichuan province are holding rounds of deliberations and producing suggestions on future developments. This is the first year anniversary of the Chengdu, Chongqing economic circle,which has been adopted into the 14th five-year plan.
So what is the Chengdu, Chongqing economic circle? Let’s go andexplore these questions for more detail.So behind mehere is a model ofthe Chongqing urban area, so to learn more about the future planning ofChongqing, we have invited a GuidecalledMs.Chento come and answerthese questions for us.SoMs. Chen,it'sreally nice to meet you.
nice to meet youtoo我也很高兴见到你So can you tell us what exactly is theChengdu Chongqing economiccircle?
Of course, Chengdu, Chongqing economic circlewas first promotedin the 3rd of January in 2020. It covers the area of 185,000 squarekilometers, The recent population 96 million, which takes about 6 . 9 %of that of China. TheGRPlast year isabout6.3trillionwhich takesabout 6 . 3 %.
成渝地区双城经济圈于2020年1月3日被首次推出。它的面积为18.5万平方公里。 人口约为9600万人,约占中国的6.9%。去年的GRP(地区生产总值)约为6.3万亿元,约占6.3%。
As we know, there are already three world classclustersin China.So we have to build a new one that can promote the regional economicplanning featuring the complementary advantages and high qualitydevelopment.
When many focus on several aspects in this area, for example,we're going to develop theinternet, the modern industrial system. Andalso we're going to build this area to be a center of reform, a centerof scientific and technological innovation,acenter for internationalconsumption, with its own features, called ‘Bayu’.
Miss Chen has just told us what the Chengdu-Chongqing EconomicCircle is all about. So now we're going to go inside this cinema hereand gain more direct visual experience of what the economic circle isgoing to look like.
The Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle is located in southwesternChina
The twin cities of Chongqing and Chengdu provide the driving forcein the promotion of coordinated regional development
The economic circle was founded on January 3, 2020 as part ofnational strategy.
It will act as a growth pole for high-quality development inwestern China and create an inland strategic high ground for opening-up.
Work will be done to turn the Chengdu-Chongqing area into aninfluential economic center for scientific and technological innovation,a new high ground for reform and opening up, and a location for high-quality lifestyle.
Through expansive international logistic channels, the Chengdu-Chongqing area is well connected with the rest of the world. The area isat the intersection of the Belt and Road and theYangtze River EconomicBelt.Westwards, there is the China-Europe Express to Europe. Eastwards,the China-Europe freight railway continues along with the goldenwaterway of theYangtze River. Southwards, there is the NewInternational Land-Sea Trade Corridor to Singapore and other ASEANcountries. Northwards, there is an international train route to Russia.
Sichuan and Chongqing have signed many agreements for integrateddevelopment covering areas of cultural tourism, transport, industrialdevelopment, port connections, ecology, talent pools, and judicialcoordination.
Co-build the Twin City Economic Circle. Cooperation betweenSichuan and Chongqing is well underway!
共建成渝地区双城经济圈,川渝合作正在进行时!Chengdu and Chongqing now have a joint economic output of over 1trillion yuan and leading the way in opening up, new infrastructure andeducation.For example, with the China Europe railway express, therehave been a total of 10,000 services. During the 14th 5 year plan,Chengdu and Chongqing are going to become a new economic growth pole anddrive development in southwest China.